Boom beach landing craft stats
Boom beach landing craft stats

boom beach landing craft stats

  • Avoid placing exposed Flamethrowers, Machine Guns or Cannons on the front lines without any protection, as Bombardiers are able to outrange all three.
  • Bombardiers, like Zookas, will target in-range active defenses before targeting support buildings, such as Storages, Power Cores, or Shield Generators.
  • For example, using a Flare when using Bombardiers with Heavies on a Rocket Launcher will move the Heavies in the blind spot which the Bombardiers won't enter, thus allowing the Rocket Launcher to fire on the Bombardiers.
  • Keep in mind that Bombardiers have similar weaknesses as Zookas have.
  • Unlike Grenadiers, Bombardiers have good accuracy and will therefore never harm allies, but this also means their attacks can't set off mines, which may in turn destroy them if the frontline units didn't trigger them already.
  • You can protect Bombardiers with Tanks or Heavies, who will distract long-ranged Defensive Buildings and clear any Mines.
  • Boom Cannons and Rocket Launchers are major threats to exposed Bombardiers, as are many Prototype Defenses.
  • If more than two Bombardiers attack the same Sniper Tower or Mortar, some will probably get pushed into range.

    boom beach landing craft stats

    Bombardiers can also outrange Sniper Towers and Mortars, but just barely.Their longer range allows them to completely Machine Guns and Cannons in addition to Flamethrowers, so none of these should be a threat unless they are poorly placed. Bombardiers are similar to Zookas in the sense that they are very fragile - Despite taking up the same space as a Tank, they have negligible health.The Bombardier wields a small mortar which has been modified to double as a walking stick, bolstered by a tennis ball under it.The Bombardier wears a hard hat and goggles on his head.He wears a green vest which has artillery shells on its back.The Bombardier appears as an old man with a white-haired moustache and beard.Each Bombardier costs 1 Gunboat Energy to deploy.

    boom beach landing craft stats

    Bombardiers have extreme range and high DPS with pitful health.It is unlocked upon reaching Headquarters level 21. The Bombardier is the tenth Troop unlocked in the game.They require extra energy to deploy as they are slightly older (but more experienced) than most troops." Summary The number of seconds used in the results depends on the level and number of Shock Bombs specified."The Bombardiers can shoot with pin point accuracy from a large distance, dealing massive damage.The information will be ready on return visits to this calculator. All information entered into statue-related inputs, landing craft level inputs, and inputs in the “Unit Levels” section is saved to the browser for convenience.The Power Powder icon next to each statue’s input can be toggled to signify that the corresponding statue is boosted with Power Powder, and so, that statue’s bonus will be doubled in the total statue bonus.The twelfth guardian input will only be shown while the masterpiece input is set to zero since the maximum number of statues obtainable in Boom Beach is twelve.Selecting Battle Orders as the Hero Ability will expand the “Results” section to show information related to it. Since only Hero Abilities that increase damage output are relevant to these calculations, only Battle Orders is an option.Click or tap a troop’s image in the “Select Army” section to quickly set all landing craft to hold the same troop.If any of the landing craft have not been unlocked, that craft’s Troop/Hero selection should be set to “None.” Each box in the “Select Army” section respresents one landing craft.

    Boom beach landing craft stats